April 25, 2019

7 types of bioassays

Bioassays are used to determine the potency of a biopharmaceutical by comparing the biological response related to its mode of action with that of a control preparation. The main considerations for bioassay design will be ease of use, reproducibility and primarily, cost: both financially and in personnel. Primary cells, frozen cells or cell extracts can all be utilized to give robust assay outputs and the days where radioisotopes were the only means of signal detection are, not quite long gone, but could feasibly be phased out in the next decade by all but the most ardent supporters.
Here we introduce the 7 main types of cell-based assay which can help you in your quest for that elusive blockbuster.

1. Intracellular signalling

The search for new drugs has led to the need to increase our understanding of the basis of cellular pathways, in order to find new druggable targets. The benefit of targeting intracellular signalling to bioassay design is that inhibiting a signal point in a signalling cascade can affect a wide variety of downstream proteins. These proteins can be measured in cells as active (i.e. phosphorylated) or inactive (native) forms via a number of techniques such as immunofluorescence, ELISA or western blotting, all of which can be scaled up for high throughput.

October 23, 2017

Klasifikasi dan karakteristik cylops sp

Kingdom         : Animalia
Phylum            : Arthropoda
Subphylum      : Crustacea
Class                : Maxillopoda
Sub class         : Copepoda
Orde                : Cylopoida
Family             : Cylopydae
Genus              : Cylops
            Spesies            : Cylops sp

Klasifikasi dan karakteristik Chantocamptus sp

Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum    : Arthropoda
Subphylum: Crustacea
Class        : Maxillopoda
Sub class  : Copepoda
Orde        : Harpacticoida
Family      : Canthocamptidae
Genus      : Canthocamptus
Spesies     : Canthocamptus sp

August 28, 2017

Menghitung Frekuensi Data pada SPSS

Cara menghitung atau menentukan frekuensi data pada SPSS. Fungsi ini merupakan salah satu bagian dari statistik deskriptif yang dapat dilakukan oleh SPSS. Statistik deskriptif bertujuan untuk menyajikan informasi dari suatu data berupa angka.
Langkah – langkah :
Pertama adalah buka program SPSS dan masuk ke Variable View untuk membuat variabel NILAI seperti gambar dibawah ini.

Gambar 1 Membuat Variabel Nilai

April 07, 2017

Global Strategy for dengue prevention and control, 2012–2020

Global Strategy for dengue prevention and control, 2012–2020: A WHO report on global strategy for dengue prevention and control, 2012–2020.

New glossary of malaria terminology

New glossary of malaria terminology: This glossary, the first official publication on this topic since 1963, aims at improving communication within the global malaria community.

March 31, 2017

Chloroquine Protects Against Zika In Vitro | The Scientist Magazine®

Chloroquine Protects Against Zika In Vitro | The Scientist Magazine®: The antimalarial drug reduces the number of infected Vero and human brain microvascular endothelial cells—among other cell types—in culture, researchers report in a preprint.